Friday, August 26, 2005

My Week

A few nights ago I went out with some people from my mortgage team. The idea wasn't to talk about mortgages, but to get to know each other and have fun. They call it The Wealth Builder Night Out. We went to a new cuban restaurant in the area. I had such a good time, I'm looking forward to the next outing.
The food was great, but the service sucked, but that's alright. There were only nine of us, and it's funny to see how some people get drunk so easily. This woman and her husband had about four drinks each, and they were acting like total fools. I had five mojitos and barely caught a buzz that lasted five minutes. I'm not a big drinker, so I guess my drinking a glass every night has helped build my tolerance for alcohol.
This morning I went to my doctor to hear the results from my blood work from earlier this week. I should't be pissed about the results, since I should have known how I'd come out. I have cut down my sugar consumptions, so my blood sugar is not low, but not too bad. My liver enzymes are still high but stable and my cholesterol has more than double from last time. The reason for all these is my lack of exercise.
I know I've got to get my ass in gear, but I just don't know how to get started. I wish I liked sweating.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Where did it go?

What the hell kind of summer was this? I know it's not over yet, but what has happened to the rest of it. For what it's worth, what has happened to this year? It feels like the older I get, the faster the years go by and I don't like it. I remember when I was a kid that it was an eternity between Christmases.
To make things worse, my wife found my first gray hair yesterday. I don't mean to be shallow, but it was kind of traumatic. I'm officially getting old, and there are so many things I have yet to do.
I don't know if it is that I'm naturally boring, or if it is that I've spend too much of my youth worrying and preparing for when I get old. But what I need to do is chill out and enjoy life a little more. You would think that I've learned my lesson by now, but I haven't. I live with regrets for the so many things I didn't do while in high school and college. At this rate, 10 years from now I will be living with regrets over the things I should be doing now but I'm not.
I'm always talking about how one should lead life with balance, but in reality there is little balance in my life. While others are enjoying music and Harry Potter, I'm reading the Millionaire Next Door and listening to Anthony Robbins.
I really've got to get it together for these days won't last for ever. I think I'm like a squirrel collecting nuts for the winter.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

A few years ago we were awaken in the middle of the night by the whole house shaking. Turns out there was an earthquake in California and was felt all the way in Las Vegas. What are bizzard experience. A big house and everything in it shook like a cardboard box. We jumped out of bed wondering if it was the end of the world for a second. Even my sisters called the next day to see if we were okay.
Anyways, a few weeks went by when one morning my bed starts to move while I'm trying to sleep. I jumped out of bed and said "Holy crap, its happening again!!!" Only then I realized that the cause for the shakes was my wife sitting on the bed while trying to find a show under the bed. Did I feel stupid? sure I did.
Now something new and bigger is trying to shake my world. I am debating whether to quit my job, ask to be part-time or take a leave of absence if possible to see if things work out.
My father in law has cancer and has a 40% chance to live for another couple of years. So, he selling me his business since he won't be able to handle it anymore. The problem is that I don't like the terms of the sale and I would have to spend a lot of money and energy to make it more profitable. This is a big risk because I'm compromising my job security. I don't love my job, but I've been doing it for 5 years and it pays very well. It scares me to risk losing it, because if I do, I won't be able to get it back.
My wife goes to school and doesn't work. And even though we have savings and can fine with both of us out of work for a while, I don't want to compromise the money and therefore our future plans.
So the questions I keep asking myself are: Am I prepare to change my life and risk failure? Do I have what it takes to succeed? I always say that if it ain't broken don't fix it, but I'm not sure about that right now. Maybe when I sit down and discuss new terms of sale I will be more excited about this whole situation.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Speak Up!

It's funny how the more I want to say, the less that comes out. Where do I start? My father-in-law went to the Mayo Clinic hoping to hear better news from better doctors. After everything was said and done, the news is worse than expected. The cancer has progressed more than thought and he may have even less time to live. His wife is devastated. This really sucks.
On another note, I'm having a terrible day at work. There's nothing worse than having to deal with assholes who don't listen and then accuse you of thing. While my boss (who didn't really know what happened) is telling me off about how I need to deal with people, I just kept breathing in and out while considering my options. Fight or Flight, I fought, but not as much as i wanted to.
I have enough money not to have to work for several years. I guess this comfort has trigged something in me. I don't want to call it arrogance, because that's not who I am, but when my boss aggravates me, I just want to tell her to fuck off and shove the job you know where.
I like people, in fact I miss people most of the time. But there are times when I just want to lose it and reach through the phone and grab their necks and shoke them. Today was one of those days.
Tomorrow will be a new, hopefully better day.

Monday, August 01, 2005

It Hit Home

Bad stuff happens everyday and none of us is exempt from it happening to us or those we love. But it isn't until it hits home that we realize how terrible life can be. We read or hear the news about accidents, deaths and other calamities and don't give it much thought about how lives are impacted.
My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with skin cancer. He had a toe amputated, but it turns out that the cancer has spread. Tonight I found out that he is in stage 5. The last stage. This means that he only has a couple of years left.
We all have to die somehow sooner or later, but way can't it be much later. He is only in his fifties and has a 5 and a 2 year old. The kids financial future is secured, but it's frustrating that his millions can't buy him more time.
This is a sad situation and is giving me stress. I am the only other man in the family and it will fall on me to care for an protect the family. This is a major load I am not looking foward to taking. Their finances and being their father figure are not something to be taken lightly.
On another note, I also feel guilt-ridden because there is talk of him selling me his company at some point. This represents a great opportunity for me, but given the circumstances I'm not supposed to be happy about this, so I don't know how to handle the prospect.
I wish this whole thing wasn't happening, period. I already have my own business plans.