Thursday, August 18, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

A few years ago we were awaken in the middle of the night by the whole house shaking. Turns out there was an earthquake in California and was felt all the way in Las Vegas. What are bizzard experience. A big house and everything in it shook like a cardboard box. We jumped out of bed wondering if it was the end of the world for a second. Even my sisters called the next day to see if we were okay.
Anyways, a few weeks went by when one morning my bed starts to move while I'm trying to sleep. I jumped out of bed and said "Holy crap, its happening again!!!" Only then I realized that the cause for the shakes was my wife sitting on the bed while trying to find a show under the bed. Did I feel stupid? sure I did.
Now something new and bigger is trying to shake my world. I am debating whether to quit my job, ask to be part-time or take a leave of absence if possible to see if things work out.
My father in law has cancer and has a 40% chance to live for another couple of years. So, he selling me his business since he won't be able to handle it anymore. The problem is that I don't like the terms of the sale and I would have to spend a lot of money and energy to make it more profitable. This is a big risk because I'm compromising my job security. I don't love my job, but I've been doing it for 5 years and it pays very well. It scares me to risk losing it, because if I do, I won't be able to get it back.
My wife goes to school and doesn't work. And even though we have savings and can fine with both of us out of work for a while, I don't want to compromise the money and therefore our future plans.
So the questions I keep asking myself are: Am I prepare to change my life and risk failure? Do I have what it takes to succeed? I always say that if it ain't broken don't fix it, but I'm not sure about that right now. Maybe when I sit down and discuss new terms of sale I will be more excited about this whole situation.


Blogger annush said...

i say you try for the leave of absence...

9:34 AM  
Blogger LibĂ©lula said...

Man...that's a tough one. I agree with Annush. Why don't you take the leave of absence and see how the other thing goes before you make your final decision...Good luck with everything!!!!!

5:11 PM  

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