Tuesday, June 20, 2006

En Cuatro ... Ponteme En Cuatro

A peticion de Odiseas

Cuatro de mis comidas favoritas

  1. Seafood: Cajun Style King Crabs
  2. Dominican: Mangu con cebolla frita y Huevo, Queso Y Aguacate
  3. Italian: My garlic, black olive and tomato rigatoni.
  4. American: Broiled salmon with sparagus and orzo salad.

Cuatro sitios Web que visito a diario

  1. Several Blogs
  2. Woot
  3. Wiki-how
  4. Businessweek

Cuatro sitios donde quisiera estar ahora

  1. Fishing off the coast of Maine (10 days to go)
  2. Horseback riding in the Belize rainforest (If not next year, the following)
  3. In Beijing on my way to the Great Wall (next year)
  4. At the San Diego Zoo and Seaworld (in 6 weeks)

Cuatro trabajos que me gustarĂ­a tener

  1. Successful busines owner
  2. Famous actor
  3. Philanthropist
  4. Travel photographer

Cuatro platos que detesto

  1. Animal Organs
  2. Enchiladas
  3. Anything with Wasabi already on it
  4. Veal

Cuatro bebidas favoritas

  1. Scotch & Club Soda
  2. Captain Morgan with Coke
  3. Agua de coco fria
  4. Jugo de Tamarido

Cuatro cosas que me encanta hacer

  1. Hablar con amigos
  2. Travel
  3. Play with my daughter
  4. Sleep late

Cuatro cosas que colecciono

  1. Music
  2. Religious books from the 1700's
  3. Travel memorabilia
  4. Trivia and business books

Cuatro canciones favoritas

  1. Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns & Roses
  2. I've got to see you again - Nora Jones
  3. Under my skin - Frank Sinatra
  4. Esto es el amor - Leonardo Favio

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Great Adventure 2006

On June 29th I'm catching an overnight flight out to NY. When I get there I will meet up with a couple of guys (my best friend included) and will head out upstate for a day of Paintball shooting.

We'll then hang out and go to bed early because we have to hit the road on a 7 hour trip to Maine. We have to be at the trail by 1oAM. after a day of hiking, we will head South. and again hang out but this time will be in a small town of of New Hamphire because that the only place we could find lodging for the night. We will have to get up at about 4:30 to go back to Maine and go deep sea fishing for the day.

One of the coolest things about this fishing trip is that we will be in 300ft deep waters where it's not uncommon to see whales, dolphins and seals and if you are lucky you can even catch sharks.
When we get back to land, we will eat some of the world famous Maine lobster before heading back south to Conneticut where we will meet up with some more friends where we'll do some drinking and hanging out.
We'll then head back to New York to get some much needed sleep. We will then get ready to hit the town and meet up with other old friends (old co-workers) and do some sushi and drinks.
The next day is July 4th. So we will take it easy and maybe visit an old high school friend and his wife in New Jersey before visiting my sisters for a couple of hours and Taking the red eye flight back to Las Vegas.

Not bad for a 5 day holiday weekend.

If it rains, we are screwed and have to change plans which will most likely be a few movies and billiards.

My next post will be about my 2007 vacation to China.